Monday, August 17, 2020

Do you enjoy gardening?  Are you looking to meet your neighbors and make new friends?  Are you interested in quality speakers and programs, field trips, philanthropy, and fun?  

You will find all of this and more by renewing your membership, or by becoming a new member of the Seabrook Island Garden Club. 

Our annual membership fee is $25.00 (checks made payable to:  Seabrook Island Garden Club).  You may join at an in-person meeting, or you may mail or drop off your payment at the address below.  A bin is located on the porch for your convenience.

So that we may include you in our annual member directory, please provide the following information as you wish it to appear in the directory:  Name, Address, Phone Number and Email Address.  October 15th is our directory deadline.

We look forward to welcoming you to the Garden Club.  Please join us and bring a friend!

Karen L. Babb

Committee Chair, Membership & Directory

3305 Seabrook Island Road, Seabrook Island, SC  29455


 The 2020-21 Seabrook Island Garden Club:  More for Your Membership

Friday, August 14, 2020

Welcome to the SI Garden Club blog.  This is the new place to find fun and information on all things Seabrook Island Garden Club.  Click on the pages and discover something new about the officers, fun events, photos and much more.  Have a question about your garden?  Ask our own Deb Duerr in Ask a Gardener.  You are still able to contact us at:

Monday, August 3, 2020

Letter from the Officers

Letter from the Officers
2020-21 Seabrook Island Garden Club
July 31, 2020                            

The March 13th meeting was to be the finale of our 2019-20 garden club season.  Little did we know that the Covid-19 pandemic would alter life as many of us have known it.  Regrettably, we were unable to meet in April, or gather for the end-of-year luncheon in May, or conclude the club’s business, or formally elect the incoming slate of officers in anticipation of the next season.

And yet, as the saying goes, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way” . . . so here we are.

On behalf of every club member, we thank last season’s officers and committees for working so diligently to bring us all together.  You may have presided over and facilitated the last traditional meeting of the Seabrook Island Garden Club, at least for the foreseeable future.

There are, no doubt, challenges ahead for most organizations endeavoring to continue in this environment; ours is no different.  Without clear insight into the end or outcome of this health crisis, our garden club must navigate some of the same obstacles as we reimagine our club.  The good news is that many of our members have already signed up for working committees, shared ideas, and shown enthusiastic support for our club to continue.

With that said, we want your—the membership’s—input.  We are considering a number of ways to structure, conduct, and move our club forward.  We know there are many concerns as to where, when, and how we gather.  We want to carry on in the most careful, considerate, and safe way we can.  It’s going to be different this year, but weyour officers and working committees—are committed to doing it.

Please take a moment to answer the survey.  We’re excited to receive your input.  Your response no later than August 10th  will be appreciated, but why wait?  Just click here, and off we go!

Our warm regards
Your 2020-21 Garden Club Officers

Dianne Thompson Cain, President
Karen Nuttall, Vice President
Jo Eisenhauer, Treasurer
Holli Bolte, Corresponding Secretary
Gina Goad, Recording Secretary