Monday, March 28, 2022



That's the first question.  The second question is, "What is that?"

If you are a regular public radio listener, you are likely tuned in when  nature notes with Rudy Mancke comes on.  Just a few words into a recent program, "Patricia Schaefer, Seabrook Island" was named, so you already know the answer to the second question if you were listening in.

Patricia is a garden club member and also maintains a plot at the POA community gardens.  Her natural curiosity led her to the topic of migratory butterflies in fall 2020, and she submitted an article (which you can find in the Blog Archive) that educated us on the importance of cutting back tropical milkweed plants in late fall.  On this recent occasion, she submitted a photo of something she found on our beach to Rudy Mancke and he made it the topic of one of his programs.

Here's the photo.  Do you know what it is?

If you cannot identify this mysterious object and/or didn't hear the program on nature notes with Rudy Mancke, here is a link:

Mystery skull on the beach | South Carolina Public Radio

(or you may copy and paste the following URL to your browser):

Okay, the answer is partially disclosed in the link title, but the listening time is just 1 minute and well worth the education as there is much more to it than the image reveals.  Patricia learned from family and friends that her submission had been featured on the program.  She was kind enough to complete the mystery by providing this photo.

We're always happy to celebrate garden club members.  We enjoyed a presentation about daffodils by member Julie Minch, American Daffodil Society Judge, at the March meeting.  Member Cindy Willis was recently  featured in Tidelines Community Blog for keeping The Lake House lending library organized and ready for readers.

Our club membership is one of diverse interests, talents, and accomplishments.  Don't be shy--there are many within the group we'd all be interested in learning more about!

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