Saturday, May 28, 2022


Another enjoyable luncheon marked the official close of the 2021-2022 Garden Club season.  Committee Co-Chairs Deb Duerr and Kathy Maher arranged a flawless event for our members on May 12th.  The room was abuzz as arrival, sign-in, and beverages proceeded to warm and friendly greetings among attendees.  As members settled into their seats for a tasty meal, lively conversation was interrupted only by door-prize drawings as we checked our tickets for each prize drawn.  Adding to the delight of winning ticket holders, all members received a swag bag containing items for indoor and outdoor planting.  At departure, everyone was invited to select from assorted herb plants that made up the creative table centerpieces. 

Club President Karen Nuttall presented the remaining business matters of the year for resolution by vote, including the nominated slate of incoming officers.  She then delivered remarks highlighting this season and acknowledging everyone who served the club in various capacities.  She thanked all members for their participation, enthusiasm and support, and shared a beautiful poem with deep sentiment spanning personal memories and club friendships.

By all accounts, this was a successful garden club year. The club resumes in September with new Officers at the helm.  Along with Karen Nuttall (returning as President), they are: Carol Price, Vice President; Patti Tully, Treasurer; Ann Bavier and Sally Boudinot, Recording Secretaries; Joyce Markwell, Corresponding Secretary.

There are, of course, many additional roles to fill in an energetic club and committees are a great way to participate.  It's not too early to make your interests known. 

Have a great summer!


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