Thursday, July 6, 2023

End of Year Luncheon - May 11, 2023

 Members of the Seabrook Island Garden Club gathered on May 11th to celebrate another year of cultivating friendships and learning about gardening and more!  The festive, annual End of Year Luncheon was held in the Atlantic Room of the Island House and was well attended with seventy-seven members joining in on the fun.  Special thanks are owed to the Chair of the End of Year Luncheon  Committee, Deb Duerr, and her team, for planning the menu, décor, door prizes and everything that made this event so memorable.

 After outgoing President, Karen Nuttall, called a brief meeting to order, prior meeting minutes were approved and Treasurer, Patti Tully, provided a financial status update.  Julie Minch, Chair of Programs and Events, delivered an exciting update on plans to create a monarch butterfly waystation near the garden plots. Next, the slate of new officers for the 2023-2024 year was announced and approved.  It included:  President – Carol Price, Vice President – Sally Boudinot, Treasurer – Patti Tully, Co-Recording Secretaries – Ann Bavier and Melissa Andrews, and Corresponding Secretary – Blair Pugh.

 After the business portion of the meeting was concluded, Karen provided a heartwarming address to members reflecting upon her last two years while serving as president of the organization. Prior to this assignment, she held the offices of Vice President and Chair of Programs and Events. Carol Price presented Karen with an appreciation gift of a lovely, marble, engraved charcuterie tray with accessory utensils. A delicious three course plated lunch and dessert pastries were enjoyed, and the afternoon concluded with the drawing of door prizes, more socializing and photos.


Submitted by Beth Wright, Seabrook Island Garden Club Publicity



Marilyn Armstrong and Jo Eisenhauer

Table of Members

Julie Minch

Jamie Mixson and others



Carol Price

Victoria Fehr

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